It’s like home-made/flea market/like nothing you can find in stores!! Disclaimer: IT’S EXPENSIVE!! They had free food and since our 5 kids ate it like they were at Golden Corral, we felt kind of obligated to buy something. I almost talked myself into just buying a pair of $14 socks, but then we got suckered in. I mean, these clothes are REALLY cute. They made me want to learn how to sew. I kept thinking, “I could make this…after a year or 2 of sewing lessons.” Long story medium, my mom and I purchased an outfit for each of my girls. When I was placing the order I was intent on getting the biggest size possible for each of them…just fitted enough to stay on their little bodies! I mean, this kind of investment is gonna have to last. I’ll post pix of them in these cute little outfits when I get them, and then you can follow the Long girls through their adolescence in them!! These may be their “first date” outfits or their “getting my drivers license” outfits, or their “rehearsal dinner” outfits. I’m just saying. I mathematically figure out how many times my children must wear something in order for the “per wear” amount to be reasonable. With these duds, it’s about 60-70 wears. And to my dismay, after the transaction went down I was told it would be 6-8 weeks before I would get them. A lot of my justification for purchasing these was that they would be adorable Easter clothes. (Did I mention that in my equation an “Easter Wear” counts as 10?) Easter is 6.5 weeks away. I have my fingers crossed!!
I will end with a small confessional. After wandering aimlessly around Kroger for a couple of hours with Pax and Traci, I loaded my little man up, drove to Tim Stewart Funeral home, then to my mom’s house, then home. I got out, carried in the car seat, and was then mortified to find that apparently I had forgotten to buckle that precious baby in when we left Kroger! Why is there not a “ding, ding” noise for unbuckled babies?! Surely I’m not the first mom who has committed this travesty. And yet I shall be the one to make billions off of this handy little invention of mine! Anyway, I did penance–aka kissed and hugged and cried and promised my boy that I would be more attentive when it came to his safety in the future. And I thanked God that He fills in the gaps that we “less than perfect” moms leave.
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