So, if you haven't noticed, I'm lacking a little in the motivation department of blogging. Pretty much, I only blog when Jono guilts me into doing it. I am very thankful for my 8 sweet followers (including my mother, husband, friend that I begged to follow me, and sister that I happened to be on her computer and made follow me), but that's just not enough to get me typing regularly. And, the thing is, I really enjoy writing. I mean, not enough to stay up late at night writing a memoir or anything, but a paragraph or two a day sounds good. So I decided that I need to have a specific goal in mind to make me do the deed. I had the idea of posting every day about redoing my house little by little, but realized that there would be MANY days that there would be nothing to talk about due to time and money limitations. I also considered doing it "journal-esque", but, no offense, I really don't want my every thought and feeling floating around on the world wide web. So I finally decided that I will write a post a day about things that I would want my girls to read when they are in the season of life that I am now. My goal is to post about something that I learned, thought of, or did THAT DAY in order to motivate me to accomplish some projects as well. For instance, if I want to post about the importance of keeping your kitchen cabinets organized, I'll have to actually bust out the pots and pans that day. No vague posting about what could be. This way, I won't be able to talk myself out of blogging because, "What's the point? No one reads it." The main recipients are my precious daughters, and if anyone else happens to benefit from it (or get a laugh, or feel better about themselves), that's just icing on the cake.
I am actually extremely embarrassed and ashamed about what I would like to share tonight. But there's nothing like good ol' transparency. Do not give in to the temptation to get acrylic nails (or gel, or whatever new-fangled type fake nails they'll have 23 years from now)! I know that it is hard...especially when you see others with those perfectly manicured, shiny talons. And the way you love your cheapo press on nails now, I see it coming. I have given in to the temptation numerous times since my senior year (1999), and then swore them off...only to give in again. But as of today, I have a NAIL FUNGUS from those disgusting things. Stick a fork in me, I am done. Now, I know that you may think "That hardly ever happens", but there are a few other reasons that I would encourage you to stay away from those nail falsies.
First of all, short, clean, well-filed natural nails truly are the nicest, most sophisticated look. Time may change things, but never do you see a classic beauty sporting acrylics. Fergie, maybe, but not the Jackie O's of the world.
Secondly, what a waste of money they are!! You're talking $20-$35 dollars every 3 weeks (or 5 weeks if you try to stretch them like me)!! That's an expensive habit. And all for vanity. Do some research and you'll find that there are people in the world living off of about 30 cents a day. How dare I blow more than that on such a trivial part of my beauty regimen?! Really, how often do you hear, "Her best feature is her awesome, long, thick nails."?
So I hope that you will do what I am going to do. Every time I'm tempted (though, after having a stinkin' fungus I don't see that happening ever again!), I will figure out how I can give the amount I would be wasting away.
Let me pray about it: "Dear God, thanks for this $30 You gave me. Would you rather me give it to someone in need and show Your love to them or use it to bling out my nails?"
See. That makes it a little easier, right? :)
P.s. For all non-daughters reading this, I do not pass judgment on anyone who chooses the fake nail route. This is just a decision I've made and the advise that I would give to my babies.
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