1. I love my mom! She'll do just about anything for one of her kids or grandkids and I've relied on her many a time to run an errand, babysit, or return something to a store that I'm too scared to deal with (she may be known as "The Bulldog" at our local Kohl's, Walmart, Target, etc.)
2. I love my kids! I honestly have the best bunch! They're sweet and affectionate, super tender-hearted, spunky enough to keep life interesting, complicated enough to teach their momma something everyday, and they love learning about God and cuddling with their Mommy!! I'll be straight up with you and tell you that I never wanna stop having them. No worries...we have no plans to become the next Dugger family, but I just love every stage of their little lives and I know that I'll be so sad when it stops.
3. If you're a Mommy and are looking for any and every resource to make you a better Mommy, here's a few I've found...
And I also LOVE listening to "Focus on the Family" broadcasts on my iPhone. I have no idea how to get to them without that miracle device, but I'm sure you can figure it out! There's always tons of broadcasts on parenting topics to choose from! I have vowed to make better use of my time by learning while I do other things so I never drive, get ready, or feed Pax without listening to a good parenting or marriage podcast from FOTF or a sermon by the uh-mazing Craig Groeschel.
The last awesome resource is.......drum roll please........ YOUR LOCAL CHURCH!!! Autumn, our children's minister at Crossroads Church of Walton County, provides a blog for all parents where we can print out Godtime Cards and lots of other resources to help us disciple our kids. I'll take all the help that I can get, and I bet most of you mom's feel the same way. But I think this is an under-utilized resource. Hey, it's free!! Use it!
4. Our fam had an AWESOME time at Disney World! That will get a longer post when I am less tired!
5. I own a swagger wagon...do you?